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Why You Need Mandelic Acid in Your Skincare Routine

19 Feb 2020
Why You Need Mandelic Acid in Your Skincare Routine
What is the first association when someone mentions acids and chemical exfoliation? Things you would use to de-grease a machine engine? Instruments of torture in a horror movie? Not something you would want anywhere near your face, right? Wrong. It has been scientifically proven that acids (most notably Alpha Hydroxy Acids and Beta Hydroxy Acid) and chemical exfoliation are more beneficial for the skin than manual exfoliation. Remember those gritty, harsh scrubs you might have used as a teen? Yes, those are bad for the skin (being red and blotchy is no way to go through life). Unlike scrubs that only exfoliate the surface of the skin, acids penetrate deeper into the skin and boost skin renewal and collagen production. Star Alpha Hydroxy Acid that tackles acne, hyperpigmentation and aging skin is Mandelic Acid.What is Mandelic Acid?Mandelic Acid is an Alpha Hydroxy Acid derived from bitter almonds. Because of its molecular structure (it is larger than the more popular Glycolic Acid), it takes longer to penetrate the skin which makes it less irritating. That said, pK of Mandelic Acid is 3.41 which makes it more potent than Glycolic Acid with its pK of 3.83. Why is that important? Because the lower the pK value, the stronger the acid.

Which skin types can benefit from Mandelic Acid?

Acneic skin - Mandelic Acid is the only Alpha Hydroxy Acid that has antibiotic properties. It eliminates the bacteria that causes the acne which makes it an excellent treatment for all types of acne. Mandelic Acid was shown to work on papular, comedonal, inflammatory and pustular acne. Being a chemical exfoliant it also tackles congestion.Hyperpigmented skin - Mandelic Acid works on age spots, post-inflammatory pigmentation and melasma. It is also safer to use for darker skin tones as regular use of Glycolic Acid can sometimes result in hyperpigmentation.Aging skin - Mandelic Acid strengthens the collagen and increases the cell turnover.Sensitive skin - If you find other AHAs irritating, Mandelic Acid might be a good choice because it is gentle and less irritating than other types of AHAs and BHA.

How to use Mandelic Acid?

Mandelic Acid is a gentle AHA. That said - if you have never used a chemical exfoliant, proceed with caution. There might be some tingling or redness upon application. Also you might experience some light flaking. Monitor your skin for any signs of irritation. If you use other actives (such as retinol, Retin-A, vitamin C or other types of acids for example) you might want to alternate between the products to avoid overexfoliation. Some skin types can jump right in and use a Mandelic Acid products twice a day with nary a tingle. Others might get best results if they apply the product a few times per week. Regardless of how often you use your Mandelic Acid product, it is essential you apply a broad spectrum sunscreen on daily basis.

Which product is best for me?

Our Ultralase 15 Mandelic Acid Treatment with its 15% Mandelic Acid content is the strongest product in our line up. It gives the benefits of a peel without any downtime and it is most suited for people who previously had chemical peels. We recommend to use the product twice a week for two weeks and then on alternate nights (obviously it is imperative to monitor your skin closely). Ultralase 15 Mandelic Acid Treatment will be most beneficial for stubborn forms of acne, hyperpigmentation and congested skin. Our formula also contains organic Aloe Vera, Jojoba Oil, Gotu Kola extract and vitamin E.Ultralase 10 Mandelic Acid Treatment is most suitable for all skin types (the formula contains 10% Mandelic Acid). It will tackle acne, dull and congested skin, even out skin tone by fading post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and boost skin renewal. Combination and problematic skins might benefit from our Ultralase 5 Mandelic Acid Lotion. It is a gentle formula that contains 5% Mandelic Acid in an organic Aloe Vera base. Other ingredients include organic Safflower Oil, Ocean Mineral Complex, Yarrow, Jojoba Oil and vitamin B5. Ultralase 5 Mandelic Acid Lotion can be used up to two times per day. If you suffer from acne or your problem is simply dull skin, you can benefit from our Ultralase Cleanse. It should help clear acne within days. It will also brighten the complexion and improve skin texture. Our formula contains 13% AHA content. It combines Mandelic and Glycolic Acid in an Aloe Vera base together with low foaming cleansing agents and Green Tea extract. Ultralase Cleanse is a gentle product, but we recommend using the cleanser on alternate days if you are new to acids. It is suitable for most skin types apart from the very sensitive (due to its high acid content). If you order one of our Mandelic Acid products you will also receive a free booklet that explains in detail how to use each of the products. If you are unsure which product would be best suited for your skin or need some product guidance, you can always contact us via our Customer Service email


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